Care Bears
We provide care bears for the Queensland Ambulance Service to help patients of all ages cope with trauma. Our aim at first was to give bears to children, however one day the ambulance officers offered one to an elderly lady who was being transferred to a nursing home and had to leave all her possessions in her house. She was so upset about this move that the officer gave her a bear, which cheered her up no end. The bear now takes pride of place on her pillow. Our bears are now handed out by paramedics as well as the Patient Transport Service (PTS) officers.
Achiever's Awards
We present these awards to year 6 students from local schools who have surprised and delighted their teachers and parents by exceeding expectations through diligence and hard work. These are students not normally known for their academic prowess for whom the award is very meaningful.
CleftPals (Qld) Inc.
We provide fundraising support for this group of volunteers devoted to the welfare of children born with a cleft-related condition. Cleft Pals is a voluntary support group comprising parents, professionals and others which does not receive any form of government funding.
Carinity Hostel Visits
We provide company, entertainment and afternoon tea for Carinity residents who are the frail aged or homeless youth. On four Sunday afternoons a year, entertainment and afternoon tea is provided for the residents. Residents thoroughly enjoy these visits, which also give great pleasure to our club members.
Asperger Services Australia
We provide fundraising support for this non-profit organisation that educates and raises awareness through community activities. Asperger Services Australia is a volunteer run, mostly self-funded, not for profit organisation which was founded in 1995 by a group of concerned parents.